
Monday, 4 April 2016

A Leaking Clay Pot I am


An empty clay pot I am
With many holes in me
I can’t hold much of water
Rejected and sad to see

My mistress takes me tho’
To the village well everyday
And fills me with water
As if a little game to play

By the time she’s home
Half the water’s run out
The other half on plants
She pours that are about

Other pots and jars laugh
Point finger at me to jeer
My mistress might sell me off
To the garbageman, I fear

In my sorrow I was weeping
Under a tree an evening late
Sending up my sighs to God
For my hopeless fallen fate             

“Thanks for giving us water,”
Spoke a voice from the tree
“You saved our life from heat
Beside the path none care see

Truly, the plants and trees beside
Were joyful in lively green
In my blind an’ dumb despair
The lives around I’d not seen

Let the mistress sell me off
On the earth, I do not care
In heaven’s eyes I’m worth
Precious, unique and rare

I go on doing what I can
For the sidelined and low
It’s not so fast and flashy
I hold the limping and slow

Xavier Bage
Wed, April 6, 2016


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