
Monday, 28 March 2016

Ravens on High House Top

Standing on the terrace one night
I watched the red moon rising
On my fate and that of the garden
In sorrowed silence surmising
“What do you see from there?”
I heard a birdlike voice searching
Detected two ravens in dialogue
Upon the High House roof perching!

The question was meant not for me
To the other spirit one had supplied
“What do you see from there, sage?”
“The red moon,” the other replied
The darkness had me hidden in sheet
Fearless they remained in their talk
Intent to hear them prophesy more
             I stood dead still not willing to walk

             “What do you see further or more?”
             “I see the dimmed diminished moon
              No eyes will see it, a time comes
              Darkness will rule the earth soon
              Devil’s wings will engulf the garden
              The days of wailing tears will fall.
              It has begun sure to see the end
              Evident are the signs on the wall.”

              The fearsome words made me tremble
              My body, my soul and wee mind mine
              Is it written in our fate to pass fires?
              Is it willed in love by the Lord Divine?
             Will greed rule where selfless service
              In peace and compassion did dwell
              Where God’s will was the last Law
              Will it be turned into wares to sell?

                Xavier Bage
               Mon, March 28, 2016

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