
Wednesday, 7 October 2015

How Lucky I am !

By Xavier Bage, 11th May 2013 | Posted in Wikinut

How often I forget the fact that I am so extraordinarily lucky. This morning I meditate on some of the treasures I possess and appreciate their value.

Grateful thoughts at Dawn

How lucky I am
to wake up at dawn
with the sweetest bird song,
far away from the jarring roar of
the hurrying, scurrying, ever reeling
jostling, bustling, honking, wheeling throng.

How lucky I am
to behold the fresh face of
the ever smiling tender morn
and to walk in the invigorating air
on the soft grass of the dewy meadow
feeling the endless love of a God’s born.

How lucky I am
to welcome the sunrays
on the mountain's snow peaks
and to rejoice with the stream’s ripples
at the golden gifts the flying fairies spread
on the rushing water in many undulating streaks.

How lucky I am
to write my own lyrics
and compose my own hymn of praise
to the Molder and Master of all creation,
and in His joyful worshiping glorification                                                                                       

my hands and heart, soul and mind gladly raise.

How lucky I am
to possess an invisible
and invaluable heavenly treasure!
Poor though I am in earthly possessions,
rich beyond measure I am. I work as I wish
and enjoy to the fullest my grateful leisure.



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