
Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Two Visitors at the Children's Home

As I walked to my room
From the corner of the verandah,
Which I use as my study,
My eyes fell on those two arboreal visitors.
They had entered the house through the back door
And were walking by the bathrooms corridor
“Hey monkeys, out!” I yelled
They turned on their heels
And waited outside like humble beggars.
They looked hungry, their eyes asking for mercy.
I was sorry I yelled at them
I called the house mother and children. 
Mother said, “Ankit, bring some slices of bread.”
The youngest foster son quickly brought them.
Soon the visitors were munching the slices.
I brought out some biscuits and extended to them.
They received them with their hands, gratefully.
My children were having their lunch
Squatting on the verandah
And the two visitors ate their food
 served on the trees backyard.
It was a happy scene.
Ankit asked, “Papa, can I be their friends?”
“Yes son, you can,” I said, “Actually, we should be their friends.”

By Xavier Bage

Thurs, 26 March 2015,
 4:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

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