
Saturday, 14 November 2015

Come Away to the Silent Hill

Come away to the silent hill
all by yourself.
Drink of the silence
and eat of the bounty of nature.
Leave behind the hullabaloo,
the noise and cacophony;
and sit still on the grass
under a tree.

Can you hear the person inside you,
the voice of your other self?
He is anxious to speak to you.
Let him speak ,
don’t shout him down;
He is your true self.
He wants to sit beside you,
Listen to you quietly.
He will hold your hand,
he will embrace you fondly;
a true and sincere friend.

Won’t you like to meet him?
Won’t you like to see his face?
Won’t you like to hear his voice?
Come away to a quiet place,
all by yourself
and converse for some moments
with your indwelling friend.
You’ll be renewed.

by Xavier Bage
Sept 2, 2014

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