
Monday 21 September 2015

Angels without Wings

They are not invisible; they are flesh and blood
They are in worldly sights everywhere
They don’t fly in the firmament blue
They walk on the hard earth to mingle and care.

They are standing beside hospital beds
Extending their kind hands to heal
They soothe not only the aching bodies
But also the pains of hearts they feel.

They are sitting in the mud huts of villages
And in the foul smelling slums of cities
Seraphims, the flightless messengers of Heaven
Spreading everywhere solace and peace.

Their faces dispel darkness of souls
From minds, from hearts, from depressed caves
Their radiant presence like the sun ablaze
Nurtures, shelters, protects, enlightens and saves

Yes, I see Cherubims without their wings everywhere
Carrying out biddings of their Creator and King
To the last stretches of the earth and universe
Ever obedient and joyful, to serve God and sing

Their happy flights in hearts with loving thoughts
Create links with eternal life and heavenly heights
For all good comes from him who is all good limitless
From him flow into receptive minds, divine insights.

They lift the fallen, they rescue us from dangers
They hold our hands, in gentle pull they guide
These spirit species of love and goodness are
Beings my soul is pulled to cling and confide.


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