
Friday, 13 October 2017

The Old Women Sitting beside the Road

The three old women from the Charity Home
Sit beside the road
On the brick fence
Watching the rushing traffic
Cars, buses, trucks, vans, motorcycles
People riding them are all strangers
Nobody waves at the old women
Nobody alights to speak to them
Yet, every afternoon at four
You’d find them lined by the road
Enjoying the maddening rush.

          How a person’s world shrinks
          When she grows old and weak
          One day years ago, she shopped in the market
          She visited her relatives with joy
          She hopped pandals after pandals
          Bowing to Durga idols reverently
          Rubbing shoulders with thousands others
          Munched puchkas with relishing cheeks
          At the streetside stalls         
          She perhaps had a job to earn
          However simple, however meager
          But that blessed her with self-respect

Now, she is stretching her hands
Doing whatever she can to prevent
Her world from shrinking
She called me to speak some words
I stood near her for two minutes
To lend my hand to her effort.
After some days perhaps
Her 3x6 feet cot will be her world
While the traffic on the road
Would keep zooming by!

Xavier Bage
Sat, Oct 14, 2017

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