
Tuesday, 26 January 2016

She is No More with Us

She is no more with us
O dear, she is no more
She has stepped across
She’s gone beyond the door
She has floated over
The threshold between life and death
No more we’ll be caressed
By her loving words and breath

Tapasi , O dearest of sisters
Why are we condemned to see the end
Of your loving presence with us
O heaven sent angelic  friend,
Tapasi, you were not from our blood but
You won a place into our hearts
Closest to our dearest heartbeats
Because you gave us the largest parts

Why didn’t you tell us when
You were laid to your life’s brink
When you lay in the hospital bed
Of seeing you why we fools didn’t think
When you decided to leave us
Why didn’t we walk to the roadhead
And stand together a few moments
Under the life’s sliding shed

Why weren’t we given a moment
to hug you to hold you near
Did Heaven think we were not
Able enough to bear the fear
We are told He does everything good
At the moment we don’t know
We pray with infant faith and hope
Your face to us a jiffy may He show!

Xavier Bage
Tues, 26 January 2016
Tapasi, one of our dearest friends, died of cancer on Sunday, 17 January last.

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