
Saturday, 27 June 2020


Masks, how they tell us lies

How they grandly posture!

Seen them hovering as flies

Over rotting ideas and gesture!


As veils they are aptly spread

Over selfish motive and aim

Those lofty sounding words said

How unjust powers they claim!


I don’t want to declare him prince

As he is my favorite begotten-in–law

But I will go all the way since

Want dollars and Euros to me flow!


Masks have been used to hide guilt

The truth and all the nasty rot

Where will it lead all that you built -

When you lie on your last cot?


Repent you cannot, for time is passed

Reform you cannot for it was a scheme

Be ready to see what you’ve amassed

In ruins your dishonesty will gleam!


Xavier Bage

6/26/2020 9.33 AM


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