
Sunday, 28 August 2016

The Cottage Facing the Forest

That wooden cottage facing -

the forest , once that was mine,

A wee stream flowed by languidly

Singing angelic hymns divine.

Little fish swam in the water

And lazy prawns hung to weeds,

Birds of all songs, sizes, shades

Flew about in search of seeds.

Peacocks danced on the banks

As from trees their mates called,

Waves over the stones clapped

 As winds on the banks balled.

Deer, rabbits, foxes and boars

Paid me visits every still night,

But when the elephants’ herd

Rolled past, was a roaring sight.

Now, I’m distant from the grove

That cottage and the jungle breeze,

The droopy dreams I’ve left behind

Lay around my  memories a seize.

I cannot return to the cute cottage,

The animals, birds, gobs and ghosts,

They send messages to my heart

They wait for me as eternal hosts.

Xavier Bage

Sun, Aug 28, 2016

Saturday, 27 August 2016

A Morning Hymn

O Lord of glory and compassion
Whose word to the stars assigns,
The course to move and radiate
Yet tenderly on the man it shines.

I raise my spirit in fiery flames
Of multiple passion and strife,
Quell the heat of my earthly core
And give health to withering life.

You are the one I wholly trust
You are the source of my being,
Listen to my prayers, loving Father
That I lift with birds of morning.

Sun, Aug 28, 2016


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Seeking the Love Evaporated

Where is my father, Papa
Oh, where can he now be?
Where is my mother, Papa
Tell me where can be she?

I see others have fathers
On their shoulders to freight
Others have mothers to take
To school and outside wait

See others eat best of snacks
During midday tiffin break
There’s no one to cook a dish
Just for my little joy’s sake!

The abandoned children two
Of a runaway faraway man
Seek the love evaporated
Their life an empty dry pan

The mother for some months
With them though remained
Didn’t fancy a life husbandless
Went a selfish way unchained

The little girls are with me now
Two legs of mine they hold
In God’s name, can I ever be
Be unkind to them and cold?

Xavier Bage
Tues, Aug 24, 2016