
Sunday, 5 June 2016

Marathon Children

               All over the city

                I used to see

                Running men

                Running women

                But now I find

                Running children

               Yes, our children

                Rushing on and on!

Only in the morning

They were born to us

In an hour they learnt

To crawl and to wobble

In the second hour, to run

And they’re gone far from us

Our own begotten children

Is it a marathon?


                They’re not playing with us             

                Not speaking to us any more

                No more they stand with us

                They have no time to stand

                They’re running a race

                They’re running in schools

                They’re running in colleges

                Is it an open marathon?



          They have to be educated

          They have to be trained

          They have to build their career

          They have to earn money plenty
        They have to be as wealthy as possible

          They have to make a success

          A success of their life, fast

          Only, to live they’ve forgotten!

                       Our children

                       Our own begotten children

                        Look at us like strangers!

          Xavier Bage

          Sun, June 05, 2016

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