
Monday, 1 January 2018

A Beggar's New Year

There were fireworks in the sky
There was DJ music on the street
Everywhere crackers  burst loudly
Everywhere danced joyous feet!

 To welcome the New Year they say
They must hog all the pleasure
What is our earthly life after all
Isn’t it a ever decreasing treasure?

Let a  year end  or a year new begin
For a beggar what’s the difference?
Twelve months or thirteen, why care
It’s my hunger I must daily fence!

If the sun  begins to rise in the west
And slopes in the east to descend
Why bother  whence it starts journey
And about  where it decides  to end!

365 days, let it be less or more
I must sit by the  shuffling throng
When I don’t earn a cent any day
That’s a fact for me aching  wrong!

Xavier Bage
January 01, 2018

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