
Friday, 30 June 2017

Yaay! A Dalit President!!

Be this way or be that way

All stars are in agreement

Be happy, O Indian Dalit,

A Dalit will be the President!

“What good will it do me?

 Will any change my life see?”

 “Think, someone like you bare

 Adorns the highest Indian chair?

 His name in honor will be loud

 In him your kind can be proud.

To have one, the PM is bent!

Ask not of change, won’t be any

Lash and lynch will claim many

Being beaten, trodden is your fate

Your huts will still be desolate

Excellency will bear your name

Thus, you’re saved of all shame

Cry not when robbed or rent!

Xavier Bage

Sat, July 01, 2017

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

The Doctrine

The Beloved leader was thumping

Proudly his well declared manly chest

In the square nigh the glorious House

Over three years he’s fared so honest

And in striking his armed surgery

On the terrorizing mountain mouse!

At that moment, in an Indian village

A mother was beating her chest in grief

For her dear young son had been slain

By some foot soldiers of a narrow brief

In a joyous season on a happy travel

The boy fell amidst rumble of the train!

Cry, Mother India cry, it’s a day to mourn

The Doctrine rules on the land’s throne

His wishes are laws, the Law at his side

He breaks bridges, exclusion is his tone

Power is his aim masked in holy shroud

Chasms in hearts, he digs deep and wide!

Wed, June 28, 2017


Monday, 26 June 2017


O four-legged domestic animal
You are surely a goddess.
In my primary school
I was told to write
A paragraph on you
I was given a model paragraph
To base my work on it
Instead I copied down
On my exercise ‘copy’-book
I made good use of the copybook!
Now, I truly accept you are Mother
Because many of my countrymen say so
And are angry
enough to lynch other Indians
To protect you!

O two-legged domestic human,
You are surely flesh!
In my childhood you were my mother
My sister and my school mate
You were a person like me
To be loved and to love
To respect and to be faithful to
Now I am shocked to find you
Bared and bloodied by my countrymen
Teased and taunted on streets
Ravaged and raped in buses
 Battered and butchered in bushes
Woman, I’m forced and compelled
To accept what I never imagined
That you are flesh,
You are nothing but flesh!

Xavier Bage
Mon, June 26, 2017


Thursday, 22 June 2017

Welcome Beloved Monsoon

Welcome, beloved Monsoon,

Welcome from my deep

as you ballet on  earth’s  stage

You make the rain-born leap!

From side to side you sway

With gesture gushy and gay,

Rhythm of falling drops time

In the winds melodious play

Joyous children of Mother Nature

From behind the windows peep.

Horizons burn in flashing light

Even dirty urchins look so bright

Clouds beat the drum in rumble

 The sum is an unearthly sight

Stars and moon wait backstage

Their silent procession to keep!

Little rivers on the roads flow

Inviting my paper boats to row

Frogs in the mud pool raise yells

Farmers head to fields to plow

Baby seeds are eager to sprout

It’s  time to wake from sleep!

Xavier Bage 
Thurs, June22, 2017

Saturday, 17 June 2017

The Ultimate Visitor

That the visitor will come
A truth, it is rock-like sure
But when, how and where
No human can conjecture!

One may have gathered glory
As feared ruler and emperor
He meets the very same fate
That waits a beggar and pauper!

One may have amassed wealth
By many means foul and fair
It cannot defer his departure
However much he may dare!

A child is born with breaths
Bundled for it in its chest
He begins to expend them
In his actions and in his rest

A river begins in the mountains
It hurries down the slope
No command can then halt it
To tie its flow there’s no rope

Once the stream runs its course
it will melt in the waiting sea
A little long, a little short perhaps
its journey  in world can be!

Let’s celebrate the jubilee
To thank and praise the Lord
He alone is the Master and King
He gifts us years as his accord!

Xavier Bage
Sun, June 17-18, 2017