
Thursday, 13 August 2015

The Ten-armed Lion-rider is Coming

Yes, she is coming. She is on the way.
Mother Goddess riding a lion, standing on its back
Raise your gaze to the blue heavens
Do you see the cotton heaps suspended?
Hanging fastened with invisible clips?

The drenching monsoon has bid adieu
The black clouds have gone back home
No roars, no flashes, no thunders, no lightning
The endless blue sky is silent, meditating
The atmosphere is in a spiritual retreat

Can you see the “Kash” grass on river banks
Standing in crowd with white flags, waving in rhythm
Yes, the Mother is coming to shower joy
Wrapped in new dresses, in fairs loaded with fun
And food filled with flavors unparalleled

Yes, the fiery eyed, ten-armed warrior is on the way
Brandishing divine weapons offered by gods
All prepared and armored to kill the “asuras” (demons).
Relax, O hordes of Mahisasur, she won’t do it this time too
She will join the festivities and forget about you.

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