O Sardar, aren’t you happy?
Aren’t you happy that your fans
Who rule this nation
of one billion and more
Have erected the tallest statue of yours.
Taller than the Lady of Liberty
And reaching higher than the Buddha!
And more sublime than the Redeemer!
Your head peeping into heavens!
You can be seen from distant kilometers
By even those who know nothing of
Your contribution to the nascent nation
Sardar, you must be proud!
O Lord Ram, aren’t you exhilerated ?
Aren’t you
exhilerated that your devotee
The powerful CM has given your capital Ayodhya
Back to you and assured your milling subjects
A huge temple superbly majestic in grandeur
An airport to revere your father’s name
All your pains of the unjust exile and
the travails of
regaining your queen
from the clutches of the demon king Ravana
are going to be rewarded amply
by the hordes of devotees of your name!
And they wish your powerful name to place them
On the throne of this land of many religions
O Lord, aren’t you thrilled?
Xavier Bage
Fri, November 09, 2018